Master graphic: graphic work of artists assigned to the UPR

12:00 am
Friday, August 30, 2024

The exhibition "Master Graphics", framed in a recognition of engraving and its processes as creative disciplines with a long history and tradition in Puerto Rico, allows us to examine and verify the significant contribution that artists linked to the University of Puerto Rico have made to the graphic arts.

It is the first project of its kind that presents an account of the graphic production associated with artists within the University of Puerto Rico system and the campuses of Río Piedras, Mayagüez, Bayamón, Cayey and Humacao. The visitor will be able to take a tour of works by forty-one master artists in a period that covers more than seventy years of teaching and creation in the graphic medium within the institution.

The curator of the exhibition Mariel Quiñones Vélez points out that “the title of the exhibition alludes not only to the exemplary qualities of the graphic work that is presented but also to the meritorious work that, as teachers in the full sense of the word, all the gathered artists have carried out to preserve and share artistic knowledge about creative endeavor within the wide diversity of engraving techniques and processes. In that act of teaching and sharing knowledge and love of engraving they have ensured a legacy that continues to expand with great vividness and originality among the younger generations.”

The exhibition also highlights the work of artists who were essential in the founding of graphics workshops where a considerable number of the silkscreen posters that make up the most excellent examples of Puerto Rican graphics were designed and printed. Among the selection of works are some that have been awarded in important graphics exhibitions both nationally and internationally and emblematic works that mark the beginning of languages ​​and new technical processes in Puerto Rico's graphics.

Collaborating institutions: Archive of Architecture and Construction, UPR-RP, Museum of History, Anthropology and Art of the University of Puerto Rico in Río Piedras, University of Puerto Rico in Mayagüez; Learning Resources Center of the University of Puerto Rico in Bayamón, Víctor M. Pons Library of the University of Puerto Rico in Cayey, Dr. Josefina Camacho de la Nuez Museum and Center for Humanistic Studies of the Ana. G. Méndez University in Gurabo, Institute of Puerto Rican Culture.

Participating artists: Ernesto Álvarez, Myrna Arocho, John Balossi, Roberto Barrera Rodríguez, Camilo Carrión Zayas, Heriberto Dávila, Reynaldo Delgado, Lope Max Díaz, Manuel García Fonteboa, Evelyn García Mejías, Martín García Rivera, Jesús González, Consuelo Gotay, Anaida Hernández , Luis Hernández Cruz, Harry Hernández, Susana Herrero, Marcos Irizarry, Haydee Landing, Luis Maisonet Ramos, Javier Maldonado O'Farril, Carlos Marichal, Antonio Martorell, Oscar Mestey, Néstor Millán, Anna Nicholson, Isaac Novoa, Luis Abraham Ortíz, Yolanda Pastrana, José A. Peláez, María Luisa Penne de Castillo, Julio Plaza, Rafael Rivera García, Rafael Rivera Rosa, Francisco Rodón, Nora Rodríguez Vallés, Nelson Sambolín, Regina Silveira, José A. Torres Martinó, Ángel M. Vega Santana, Baruch Vergara.

Visiting hours: Monday to Friday from 8:00 am. to 4:00 p.m. For more information: (787) 738-2161 x 2209.

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