
20.00 h
Friday, June 14, 2024

Leading international trumpeter, bandleader and Latin Grammy Award winner Charlie Sepúlveda has returned to his homeland of Puerto Rico after a successful series of performances in the United States. For the first time he will perform live with all the successful artists of the urban genre who collaborated in Urbajazz.

This musician, considered a modern pillar of jazz and Latin jazz, is excited to present his most recent production under the musical production of the multi-award winning Latin Grammy winner, Julio Bagué, who seeks to fuse two seemingly disparate genres: jazz and urban music , creating a surprising synergy that will captivate listeners of all tastes.Charlie Sepúlveda with his group Turnaround presents the artistic participations of: Rafa Pabón, Pj Sin Suela, Wiso G, Danny Fornaris, Emil “Hijo de Boriken”, Link One, Nohémi and Darío Sebastián Silva “El Misionero”.

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