Symphonic Croatto

20.00 h
Friday, June 14, 2024

In a night that promises to be unforgettable, Hermes Croatto will join for the first time with the Royal Symphony Orchestra to present “Croatto Sinfónico”, on Padres weekend, a symphonic concert that fuses Puerto Rican folk music with the grandeur of the symphony orchestra . This unique event will take place in the Symphony Hall of the Fine Arts Center, offering an innovative and exciting musical experience.

Croatto, for his part, whose musical career has been characterized by fusing Puerto Rican folk music giving it a more contemporary touch, explained that he had always wanted to make a symphonic, but maintaining its influence.

«This concert is a dream come true for me. I always wanted to fuse the traditional rhythms of our island with the majesty of a symphony orchestra. 'Croatto Sinfónico' is more than a concert; It is a tribute to our rich musical culture and a step forward in my journey as a musician. "I am excited and deeply grateful for the opportunity to share this unique experience with the public.

"The “Croatto Sinfónico” repertoire will include a carefully curated selection that will include original compositions by Hermes, as well as classics made famous by his father Tony, all arranged for this special occasion. The collaboration with the Royal Symphony Orchestra promises to elevate these melodies to new heights, creating a unique synergy between Puerto Rican folk music and orchestral expression.

“Participating in a symphony concert with the Royal Symphony Orchestra is a milestone not only in my career, but in my personal life. This concert symbolizes the union of two worlds that I am passionate about: the richness of our Puerto Rican folk music and the magnificence of symphonic music. I am deeply honored and excited to share this experience with the public, offering a show that, I hope, will touch their hearts and remind them of the beauty and depth of our culture. ‘Croatto Sinfónico’ is more than a presentation;

“It is a celebration of our roots, a bridge between generations and a testimony to the unifying power of music,” explained the artist.

This concert not only celebrates the musical legacy of the Croattos, but is an invitation to explore the beauty of Puerto Rican music through a symphonic lens, in a night that will remain engraved in the memory of everyone present.Croatto Sinfónico will take place on Friday, June 14 at 8:00 p.m. in the Symphony Hall of the Santurce Fine Arts Center.

Tickets available at Ticketera and Ticket Center.

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