Nömadäs: in full voice

19.30 h
Saturday, March 9, 2024

The Historical House of Cayeyana Music and Nömadäs invites the concert ‘All Voice’ on Saturday, March 9.

Come with your ears with a piece of alternative and refreshing music, accompanied by conscious letters that invite us to redefine our cultural identity, in the peculiar voices of this group and its ingenious proposal.

The entrance will be based on free donation, pro funds for a trip from the group to the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina at the end of this year.

Doors open at 7:30 pm.

Event suitable for the enjoyment of the whole family. We'll be waiting for you!

Follow them on their official website,  Instagram and Facebook.

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If you want to make a direct contribution for these efforts, communicate through: musicanomadas@gmail.com

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