Live bohemia in the 60s and 70s

20.00 h
Saturday, September 7, 2024

After the success obtained at the National Foundation for Popular Culture, “Live Bohemia in the 60s and 70s”, arrives at the Moneró Café Teatro & Bar. The creator of this event are Julio Enrique Court and his guests, and they await you with good music and joy in a concept that has lasted for almost 14 years.

On this occasion with Aidita Encarnación and Alejandro Primero; under the musical direction of Cuqui Rodriguez; You will hear great hits from the 60s and 70s. Hits from the New Wave, The Beatles, Rocío Dúrcal, Palito Ortega, Marisol, Mocedades, Los “Carpenters”, Nino Bravo, Los Alegres 3, Nelly y Tony, Rafi Monclova, José José; In short, a salad of exquisite repertoire that will lead you to remember, sing and laugh.  

Join us and come enjoy “Live Bohemia in the 60s and 70s.”

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