Family Concerts: Trio Sanromá

16.00 h
Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Sanromá Trio will present Family Concerts on Sunday, September 8, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. in the Jesús María Sanromá Hall of the Bertita and Guillermo L. Martínez Theater in Miramar with a concert titled From Mozart to the Barroqueada of Miguel del Águila.

The program includes the Trio in B flat major K.502 by W.A. Mozart, and Barroqueada: Suite for violin, cello and piano op.128 (2022) by M. Del Águila.

The performances of the Sanromá Trio have been praised for “providing a class of musicality, well-care coupling and clarity in execution,” Luis Hernández-Mergal. The group is composed of teachers Francisco Cabán on the violin, Luis Miguel Rojas on the cello and Diana Figueroa on the piano.

Tickets for the concert are $10 and can be obtained at Ticket Center, (787) 792-5000. For more information, access our Facebook page: CMPROficial, our website or call: 787-751-0160 exts. 260, 286 or 274.

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