Campechada 2024

10 de la mañana
Saturday, August 31, 2024

The Institute of Puerto Rican Culture (ICP) will greatly celebrate the life and work of the Puerto Rican playwright Victoria Espinosa in the new edition of Campechada, to be held from August 31 to September 1, 2024 in Santurce. The event will have over 500 cultural resources from different disciplines, such as crafts, plastic arts, music, children's areas, academic conferences, creative industries, performing arts and booksellers, among others.

See the Campechada 2024 schedule

Both days the activities will begin at 10:00 a.m. with the crafts and plastic arts market. Likewise, throughout the day the public will be able to enjoy cultural tours, exhibitions, plays, living statues, cinema, conferences, children's activities, workshops and troupes. Meanwhile, the musical and artistic presentations will take place on three main stages that will be throughout the Theater District in Santurce.In addition to the main stages, there will be other stations with music and other presentations for the enjoyment of attendees, such as the Proscenio Station, located in Ciudadela, which on Saturday will have music from 1:00 p.m. by Mila, Inter Criollo and Mónika Nieves. This station will have presentations on Sunday from 1:00 p.m. with the Children's Choir, Inter Bomba y Plena, and Chabela.

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