Art for everyone | Flesh and blood party

14:00 h
Sunday, June 9, 2024

ART FOR TOD@S is a project of the ACirc Association in collaboration with Teatro Público and Plataforma EJE where a variety of free cultural and artistic events will be offered to our community.

Flesh and blood partyProduction and curatorship: Teatro Público “Fiesta de carne y sangre” is a cabaret of short pieces from the repertoire of Vueltabajo Teatro, with music and performance by Matotumba, using gestural theater techniques, comedy of art and manipulation of objects. This is a collaboration between Vueltabajo Teatro - who develop research and theatrical experimentation laboratories with self-management models and practicing trans-dicipline - together with Matotumba - an experimental art and music collective, known for their proposal of electronic music and the incorporation of works of art visual and theatrical performances in their live shows.

Sunday, June 9, 20243:00 pm

*Doors open at 2pm*

Free entry

ACirc, ¡todo por el arte!

We'll wait for you

This project of the ACirc Association is possible thanks to the funds provided by the United States Department of the Treasury, through the American Rescue Plan Act, through its concessionaire the Financial Advisory Authority and Fiscal Agency of Puerto Rico.

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