Arena Vikinga

Viking Arena offers a dynamic range of activities suitable for all ages, making it a unique destination for families, friends, and adventure seekers alike. Don't miss this amusement exercise park with zip lines, an indoor playground, a restaurant and more!


Horarios de apertura

El lunes:

11:00 - 21:00

El martes:

11:00 - 21:00

El miércoles:



11:00 - 21:00


11:00 - 21:00


11:00 - 21:00


11:00 - 21:00

Viking Arena offers a dynamic range of activities suitable for all ages, making it a unique destination for families, friends, and adventure seekers alike. This entertainment complex includes thrilling options like zip-lining and an indoor playground, ensuring there's something exciting for every visitor. Additionally, the on-site restaurant provides a convenient spot to refuel and relax after a day of fun.

Designed with a nod to the adventurous spirit of the Vikings, Viking Arena allows children, teens, and adults to tackle challenges reminiscent of those faced by the legendary Norse explorers. For the youngest adventurers, from six months to three years old, there's a specially crafted area that ensures they're not left out of the fun. This inclusive approach means that guests of all ages can enjoy the diverse experiences Viking Arena has to offer under one roof.

Whether you're looking to test your limits with some high-flying zip-lining, let the kids loose in a safe and engaging indoor playground, or simply enjoy a meal together, Viking Arena is equipped to provide a memorable day out for everyone.

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