Club Kweens

Kweens Klub is an inclusive nightclub known for its lively atmosphere and strong commitment to providing a welcoming space for the LGBTQ+ community. It offers drag shows, dance parties themed nights, and more


Horarios de apertura

El lunes:


El martes:


El miércoles:

21:00 - 04:00


21:00 - 04:00


21:00 - 04:00


21:00 - 04:00


19:00 - 03:30

Kweens Klub is a vibrant and inclusive nightclub known for its lively atmosphere and a strong commitment to providing a safe, welcoming space for the LGBTQ+ community. It offers a diverse range of events, including drag shows, dance parties, and themed nights, aimed at celebrating all forms of queer expression. The club prides itself on its dynamic and supportive environment, making it a popular destination for both locals and visitors seeking a fun, affirming nightlife experience.

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